Author Archive

Quicksilver – The Baroque Cycle #1

Great Mix of History, Science and Fiction My rating: 5/5 Usually, I don’t read novels, but this master piece by Neal Stephenson got me hooked. It’s a brick of nearly 1000 pages, but I never once felt bored reading it. The setting is 15th century europe and Neal has made many of the royalties and […]

Agile Estimating and Planning

A solid foundation My rating: 4/5 This title differs from other litterature I’ve read in that it goes right to the heart of agile, the planning process, and covers it in more depth than any other book on the subject. I found the chapters on estimating really useful, the advantages and disadvantages of using story […]

Blink – The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

Interesting on the first impression calculator within our brains My rating: 4/5 I am one of those who prefer rapid before well founded decisions. While many people I know weighs their options carefully, I usually take a quick glance at the situation and then pick a solution to go with. Thus, instead of doing all […]

Scrum and XP From the Trenches

Right on target My rating: 5/5 My company is undergoing a slow transition towards using Scrum as the primary software development method. It is indeed a grassroot revolution emerging from development teams all around the company. About a year ago we in my team decided to join this movement and I – as I always […]

The Pragmatic Programmer

A somewhat shallow “classic” My rating: 3/5 The Pragmatic Programmer is supposed to be a classic read. Even Steve Yegge has put this book on top of his top ten programming books list. This is one of my favorite books on programming, although I burned through it in about 3 or 4 hours, and didn’t […]

WordPress Theme Design

A quickstart to making wordpress themes My rating: 3/5 I bought this book because I needed to design and write my own theme for a new sports blog I wanted to set up. I prefer books over searching the internet when it comes to learning new things. I like having the information collected, filtered and […]

The Photoshop CS2 Book for Digital Photographers

Goes directly to the core My rating: 4/5 Visual aesthetics doesn’t come easy for me. Although my sense for what’s good and what’s not isn’t all that bad, I have a hard time making my graphical creations look good. That’s probably why I never bothered to learn using a decent image editor. I decided to […]

I Am Legend

Will Smith delivers My rating: 3/5 I have a week spot for this catastrophe threatens to wipe out humanity type of movies. When it comes to this particular one I’m divided. In some ways it’s fantastic with great effects and really good acting and feeling, but, there is something that’s bothering me about it. I […]

Agile Software Development with Scrum

This book is all you need if you want to learn Scrum My rating: 4/5 Scrum is an incredibly simple, yet extremely effective software development model. We’ve been applying it successfully at work for a good part of 2008 and I recommend it for teams that want to boost performance and increase customer collaboration. Agile […]

My Job Went To India

A must read for all Software Developers My rating: 4/5 I bought this book to “lighten up” an order of several other books on heavier topics. Well, good thing I did since Chad Fowler‘s book turned out to be the most valuable of them all. To me My Job Went to India was as a […]