Blink – The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

Interesting on the first impression calculator within our brains

My rating: 4/5
I am one of those who prefer rapid before well founded decisions. While many people I know weighs their options carefully, I usually take a quick glance at the situation and then pick a solution to go with. Thus, instead of doing all the thinking upfront I start acting but am prepared to change route in case new information comes up.

I have noticed that even though I make most of my decisions on loose grounds they usually prove to be good ones. How come? What is going on in my brain that allows me to do it? According to Malcolm Gladway it’s called thin-slicing, an ability to sub-conciously act on fractions of information, an ability that all people posess.

Malcolm’s book Blink – The Power of Thinking Without Thinking was an eye-opening read to me. And, the book is really easy to digest with a handful of interesting examples taken from real life. Highly recomended.

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