Agile Estimating and Planning

A solid foundation
My rating: 4/5

This title differs from other litterature I’ve read in that it goes right to the heart of agile, the planning process, and covers it in more depth than any other book on the subject. I found the chapters on estimating really useful, the advantages and disadvantages of using story points or ideal days, and why those are relevant only for the release planning and not for iteration planning (where ideal days are a better mean of measure).
The pieces on prioritizing another thing that I’ll probably return to and re-read some day, for instance The Kano Model of Customer Satisfaction which was unknown to me before I read this book, as was the idea of using ranges as estimates.

Agile Estimating and Planning is great, and a must read for all scrum masters and product owners, and it should also be quite valuable to anyone else who is interested in agile software processes. If you are, don’t forget to check out The original book on Scrum, and The only thing you need to read on Scrum.

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