The Photoshop CS2 Book for Digital Photographers

Goes directly to the core

My rating: 4/5

Visual aesthetics doesn’t come easy for me. Although my sense for what’s good and what’s not isn’t all that bad, I have a hard time making my graphical creations look good. That’s probably why I never bothered to learn using a decent image editor.

I decided to change that. I tried many different editors but wasn’t happy with any of them, so I went for the big one. But Photoshop proved to be the most user-hostile program I’ve ever tried (except for vi,) and Internet wasn’t very helpful (you know, information overflow). I was about to give up when I came across The Photoshop CS2 Book for Digital Photographers by Scott Kelby.

That was exactly what I needed. The book skips all theory — after all, I’m not going to be a professional photographer — and goes right to the core. It’s structured around problems (or wanted results) and their solutions, right down to what keys to press.

This book not only shows me how to enhance the looks of my photos, it educates me as well by bringing to my attention photo problems I never even knew existed.


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